Health tips: What are the best “kidney friendly” foods?

Our kidneys filter the blood and produce liquid waste products in the form of urine. Cleaning the body is their main task. So how do you take care of your kidneys?
The kidneys are two small organs located on each side of the spine, below the ribs. They play an important role in eliminating excess waste, balancing electrolytes and creating hormones.
The absence of disease, a balanced diet and adequate water intake are generally sufficient to keep your kidneys healthy.
However, certain foods, herbs and supplements can help strengthen them.


Here are 9 herbs (food) to cleanse your kidneys.

  1. Garlic
    Garlic contains an active ingredient called Allicin, which is beneficial on several levels. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties. It helps your kidneys filter out harmful invaders from your blood.
  2. Turmeric
    Turmeric is composed of curcumin, which helps reduce the effects of inflammatory enzymes that can cause chronic kidney disease. In addition, this component can inhibit the growth of many types of harmful microbes, thereby relieving the kidneys.
  3. Ginger
    Ginger is an excellent way to control blood sugar levels, which can weaken the kidneys, It contains a compound called Gingerol, which may actually help fight diabetes.
  4. Juniper berries
    Juniper berries are a powerful diuretic, so they stimulate the kidneys by increasing the volume of urine. This helps eliminate excess fluid and uric acid which can form a particular type of very painful kidney stones.
  5. Dandelion root
    Dandelion roots are edible, cooked or raw, to give a boost to the kidneys. They are widely used to treat kidney and liver disorders.
  6. Parsley
    Small quantities of parsley are sufficient to cleanse toxins trapped in the kidneys. The reason: two components called apiol and Myristicin, natural diuretics that can reduce the risk of kidney stones.
  7. The celery rave
    Our kidneys depend on a balance of potassium and sodium to do their job, and celery contains both. Unsurprisingly, it also contains a lot of water, which increases urine output and eliminates toxins.
  8. Cinnamon
    Frequent consumption of cinnamon offers protection against metabolic disorders, including diabetes, and protects the kidneys from chronic increases in blood sugar levels.
  9. Corn Beard
    Cornbeard optimizes kidney and urinary tract health by optimally maintaining calcium and fluid levels in the body .

Most healthy people do not need to rinse or cleanse their kidneys. However, there are many beneficial foods, herbal teas and supplements that can keep the kidneys healthy

If you add these 9 herbs to your diet when your kidneys are healthy, they can do wonders to keep Most healthy people do not need to rinse or cleanse their kidneys. However, there are many beneficial foods, herbal teas and supplements that can keep the kidneys healthy

If you add these 9 herbs to your diet when your kidneys are healthy, they can do wonders to keep those organs thriving.

Disclaimer: Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take these as the advice of any doctor or medical professional. In the case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.

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