Vitamin D Deficiency: These 5 symptoms show that you are deficient in Vitamin D, know how to overcome

Vitamin D is a very important vitamin to keep our body running smoothly. It is also called Sunlight Vitamin because the biggest source of this vitamin is the rays coming from the sun. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D acts as a hormone and it affects every single cell in your body in one way or the other.

When your body is exposed to sunlight, then after coming in contact with sunlight, the cholesterol in the body starts making vitamin D. Apart from this, it also fills a lack of vitamin D in the body through a variety of foods such as fatty fish and some dairy products. However, the supply of vitamin D only through diet is very difficult.

Let us know that around 1 billion people are struggling with vitamin D deficiency worldwide. A 2011 research found that 41.6% of people in the US alone are suffering from vitamin deficiency, of which 81% were American Africans. You will be surprised to know that 70 to 80 percent of people in India are struggling with vitamin D deficiency.


Vitamin D deficiency occurs in the body due to these reasons

  1. Aging
  2. Overweight
  3. Always use sunscreen
  4. Staying low in the sun and consuming less
  5. Stay indoors forever
  6. Having a dark skin tone.

These are the symptoms

  1. Feeling tired all the time
    If your body is deficient in vitamin D, the biggest symptom of this is your feeling tired all the time. If you have a good diet and sleep all night, even after this, if you keep sleeping, then it can be a symptom of vitamin D deficiency.
  2. pain in bones
    Vitamin D does the work of observing calcium in the body. In such a situation, if you drink plenty of milk and eat calcium-rich food, then even after complaining of pain in the body, it may be due to a lack of vitamin D. Actually, calcium is going in your body, but due to lack of vitamin D, the body does not absorb it within itself.
  3. The injury doesn’t heal quickly
    If your injury is not cured for a long time, then vitamin D deficiency may also be the reason. Actually, vitamin D helps in fighting infection and in the body to cure swelling, etc. In such a situation, when there is a deficiency of Vitamin D, it takes more time to heal any injury.
  4. The feeling of every time depression and anxiety
    If you feel depression and anxiety all the time and your mood is always bad then this is also a symptom of vitamin D deficiency.
  5. Hair fall
    Generally, we tell the reason for hair loss to shampoo, conditioner, or food, but inform you that if there is a deficiency of Vitamin D in the body, then your hair can fall fast. In such a situation, going in the sun is very important for your hair.

Also, read – Health Tips: Why is vitamin D important to our body?

How to overcome vitamin d deficiency
You should include things in your food that are rich in vitamin D like fatty fish and dairy products etc. Contact your doctor and use vitamin D supplements. Apart from this, stay in sunlight as far as possible and do not stop the sun from coming into the house. This sun will protect you from many types of diseases.

Also Read – Vitamin D deficiency can cause problems in women

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Disclaimer: Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take these as the advice of any doctor or medical professional. In the case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.

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