5 Best Fat Burning Drinks to Lose Belly Fat And Keep Your Body Fit

Hello friend, today we will tell you five such drinks which will help you to keep fit and will help in reducing your belly fat and share this post with all your friends who say to burn belly fat. what can i drink

Not only will these drinks help you burn fat more and better, some may even help you achieve blood sugar regulation, lower body mass index, create a balanced gut, and reduce inflammation.
So read on to learn how to make 5 fat burning drinks and learn more about why they work.

What do 5 Fat Burning Drinks do?

  • Improves digestive system
  • Is a natural diuretic, preventing too much water retention
  • Helps regulate a belly fat burning hormone
  • Targets the release of fat cells to break down more fat – Aids blood sugar balance
  • Includes anti-inflammatory properties

5 Best Fat Burning Drinks to Lose Belly Fat

Lemonade (Lemon Water)

Lemonade (lemonade) is healthy, refreshing and easy to make. And in addition to the antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anticancer and antiviral properties in limes, it can also literally help you burn fat. Because lemons contain pectin, a fiber that helps in weight loss by reducing appetite. And research has shown that polyphenol antioxidants found in lemons significantly reduce weight gain in rats, which reduces obesity. 

How to make Lemonade 

  1. Step 1: Ingredients: 3 ripe lemons (they need to be a little soft!) …
  2. Step 2: You need between 1/2 and 2/3 cup of lemon juice. Juice them and pour the pulp, juice and seeds into a strainer. Press the pulp to get out all the liquid. 🙂
  3. Step 3: Make the Simple Syrup. Pour one cup of sugar into your glass measuring cup and add one cup of water on top. …
  4. Step 4: Mix and Serve!

Read More for Lemonade

Green tea

Green tea contains massive amounts of polyphenol antioxidants that may improve brain function, reduce the risk of heart disease, protect against cancer and aid in weight loss in the presence of calorie restriction.

Green tea extract, catechins, possesses antioxidant power while caffeine among other compounds provides its fat burning and metabolic benefits.

Several studies have shown that if you drink green tea with exercise to lose weight, then it can boost weight loss, elements found in green tea increase the secretion of fat burning hormones.

Metabolism is cured by its intake, in addition tea leaves contain some bio-active substances, which dissolve in water and help in losing weight.

If you do not want a flat-belly, drink four cups of green tea a day. The poly-final found in green tea increases the fat oxidation and the rate at which your body converts food into calories.

How to Make Green Tea 

  1. To make one cup of green tea, all you need is hot water, a mug, a tea infuser and 1/2 tablespoon loose green tea.
  2. To start, boil filtered water and pour the loose tea into the infuser. Pour 8 oz of hot water into mug and let it stand for 45 seconds to one minute. Take out the tea infuser and drink it.

Read More For Green Tea 


Coffee is revered around the world and favored as a morning ritual due to its caffeine content and energy-boosting effects.

The star element in coffee, caffeine acts as a stimulant for your mind and body, once again, promoting fat loss when combined with a nutritious diet and other healthy lifestyle habits.

Coffee is known as a catalyst for weight loss. It contains zero calories, fat, or cholesterol. It contains antioxidants, the caffeine helps in boosting metabolism, and black coffee can help you exercise a little harder as it keeps you energized.

Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day can help reduce total body and belly fat in women and this has been proved in a study! A recent study found that some compounds present in coffee have anti-obesity properties and can help lose weight significantly


Consuming coffee for a long time can harm you, so we do not recommend it completely.


Water can be really helpful for weight loss. It is 100% calorie-free, helps you burn more calories and may even suppress your appetite if consumed before meals. The benefits are even greater when you replace sugary beverages with water. It is a very easy way to cut back on sugar and calories.

It’s a simple way to boost your resting metabolic rate and increase your body’s ability to burn more calories at rest.

Plus, not only will it help keep your appetite in check, but drinking more will help flush out toxins. People who drink more water and stay adequately hydrated are more likely to lose healthy weight.

Apple cider vinegar

A popular morning drink, apple cider vinegar has been associated with promoting weight loss when consumed in the morning before the consumption of any other food or drink.

It is related to the main component of apple cider vinegar (ACV)—acetic acid—which has appetite-suppressing properties, which can lead to reduced energy intake, cravings, and ultimately, weight loss.

How to Make Apple cider vinegar Drink For lose belly fat 

  1. 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  2. 1 cup (hot water),
  3. 1 teaspoon raw honey
  4. 1 tbsp squeezed lime juice.

5 Best Fat Burning Drinks to Lose Belly Fat

  1. Lemonade (Lemon Water)
  2. Green tea
  3. Coffee
  4. Water 
  5. Apple cider vinegar

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Disclaimer: Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take these as the advice of any doctor or medical professional. In the case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor

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